
awk print multiple columns

2 min read 02-10-2024
awk print multiple columns

Mastering the Art of Printing Multiple Columns with awk

awk is a powerful command-line tool for manipulating data. One of its key strengths is the ability to extract and process specific columns from a text file. This article dives into how to print multiple columns using awk, equipping you with the knowledge to confidently navigate your data.

The Scenario: Printing Multiple Columns

Let's say you have a file named data.txt with the following content:

Charlie,28,New York

You want to extract the Name and City columns for each person.

Here's a simple awk command that achieves this:

awk -F, '{print $1,$3}' data.txt

This command does the following:

  • -F,: Sets the field separator to a comma (,). This tells awk to consider each comma-separated value as a separate field.
  • {print $1,$3}: This is the action to be performed for each line. $1 refers to the first field (Name), and $3 refers to the third field (City).

This command will output the following:

Alice London
Bob Paris
Charlie New York

Understanding awk's Power

The above example is just the tip of the iceberg. awk offers much more flexibility when it comes to manipulating and printing columns:

  • Specifying Multiple Columns: You can print any combination of columns by specifying their field numbers. For example, to print the Age and City columns, you would use awk -F, '{print $2,$3}' data.txt.
  • Formatting the Output: You can customize the output using formatting options. For instance, to print the name and city separated by a colon and a space, you could use:
    awk -F, '{print $1 ":" $3}' data.txt 
  • Conditional Printing: awk lets you specify conditions to filter which lines to print. For example, to print only the names of people who are older than 28:
    awk -F, '$2 > 28 {print $1}' data.txt

Going Beyond Basic Printing

awk can also be used for complex tasks like:

  • Calculations: You can perform calculations on column values and print the results. For instance, to calculate the total age of all people in the data:
    awk -F, '{sum += $2} END {print "Total age: " sum}' data.txt
  • Regular Expressions: awk supports regular expressions, allowing you to filter and manipulate data based on complex patterns. This can be useful for extracting specific information from text files.


awk is an incredibly versatile tool for data manipulation, especially when it comes to printing multiple columns. By mastering its basic principles and exploring its advanced features, you can unlock its full potential and gain valuable insights from your data.


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