
bash select

2 min read 03-10-2024
bash select

Navigating Your Choices with Bash Select: A User-Friendly Menu System

The select command in Bash is a powerful tool for creating interactive menus within your scripts. It allows you to present users with a list of options and easily gather their input. This makes your scripts more user-friendly and less reliant on direct command line input.

Let's say you want to create a simple menu for managing files:


PS3="Select an option: "

options=("List files" "Create file" "Delete file" "Exit")

select opt in "${options[@]}"; do
  case $opt in
    "List files")
      ls -l
    "Create file")
      echo "Enter the filename:"
      read filename
      touch "$filename"
      echo "File created successfully."
    "Delete file")
      echo "Enter the filename:"
      read filename
      rm "$filename"
      echo "File deleted successfully."
      echo "Invalid option. Please try again."


  1. PS3: This variable sets the prompt for the select menu. In this case, it's set to "Select an option: ".
  2. options: This array stores the list of menu options.
  3. select opt in "${options[@]}"; do ... done: The core of the select command. It iterates through the options array, displaying each option with a corresponding number. The user selects an option by entering its number.
  4. case $opt in ... esac: The case statement handles the user's selection. It matches the selected option with the corresponding case and executes the associated code.
  5. break: When the user chooses the "Exit" option, the break statement terminates the loop.
  6. *): This catch-all case handles invalid input from the user.

Benefits of using select:

  • User-friendliness: Prompts with numbered options make it easier for users to navigate your scripts.
  • Error Handling: The select command handles invalid input automatically, prompting the user to try again.
  • Flexibility: You can easily add or remove options from the menu by modifying the options array.

Practical Example:

Imagine you want to create a script to manage tasks. Using select, you can provide options to add tasks, view existing tasks, or mark tasks as complete. This would be much more intuitive for users than requiring them to remember specific commands.

Beyond the basics:

  • You can use select with nested loops for more complex menus.
  • You can customize the display of options by using special characters like \t for tabbing and \n for new lines.
  • You can incorporate error checking and validation within the case statement.


select is a simple but powerful command in Bash that can greatly enhance the user experience of your scripts. By providing a clear and interactive interface, you can make your scripts more accessible and user-friendly.

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