
c++ fold expression

2 min read 03-10-2024
c++ fold expression

C++ is a powerful programming language that allows developers to write complex software efficiently. One of the notable features introduced in C++11 is the ability to use fold expressions in variadic templates. This feature simplifies operations on parameter packs. In this article, we will delve into what fold expressions are, how they work, and provide practical examples to illustrate their utility.

What is a Fold Expression?

A fold expression is a convenient syntax for applying binary operators to parameter packs in templates. With fold expressions, you can perform operations like addition, multiplication, logical AND, or OR on a list of values without having to manually unpack each element.

Original Problem Code

Before we dive deeper, let’s look at a simple example of how fold expressions can be used in C++:

#include <iostream>

template<typename... Args>
auto sum(Args... args) {
    return (args + ...);  // Fold expression

int main() {
    std::cout << "Sum: " << sum(1, 2, 3, 4) << std::endl; // Outputs: Sum: 10
    return 0;

Analyzing the Code

In the sum function above, Args... represents a variadic template, allowing the function to accept any number of arguments of any type. The expression (args + ...) is the fold expression that calculates the sum of all arguments passed to the function.

How Does It Work?

When the function sum is called, the compiler unpacks the parameter pack args and applies the binary operator + across all the elements. For the example call sum(1, 2, 3, 4), the operation performed behind the scenes is:

((1 + 2) + 3) + 4 = 10

This eliminates the need for an explicit loop and makes the code cleaner and easier to read.

Benefits of Using Fold Expressions

  1. Simplicity and Readability: Fold expressions reduce boilerplate code, making your functions clearer and more concise.
  2. Performance: By compiling into a single expression, fold expressions can result in more optimized code as opposed to manual recursion or iteration.
  3. Type Safety: With the use of variadic templates, you can enforce constraints on the types of arguments that can be passed into your function, ensuring better type safety.

Practical Examples

To further illustrate the usefulness of fold expressions, consider these additional examples.

Product of Numbers

#include <iostream>

template<typename... Args>
auto product(Args... args) {
    return (args * ...);  // Fold expression for product

int main() {
    std::cout << "Product: " << product(1, 2, 3, 4) << std::endl; // Outputs: Product: 24
    return 0;

In this case, the product function computes the product of all the given numbers using a fold expression. The flexibility to apply different operators makes fold expressions quite powerful.

Logical Operations

#include <iostream>

template<typename... Args>
bool allTrue(Args... args) {
    return (args && ...);  // Fold expression for logical AND

int main() {
    std::cout << std::boolalpha; // Enable boolean formatting
    std::cout << "All True: " << allTrue(true, true, false) << std::endl; // Outputs: All True: false
    return 0;

Here, we use a fold expression to check if all the boolean values passed to allTrue are true.


Fold expressions are a powerful feature in C++ that simplify the handling of parameter packs in variadic templates. They help create clean and efficient code for operations like addition, multiplication, and logical evaluations. By leveraging fold expressions, developers can write less code while maintaining readability and performance.

Useful Resources

Incorporating fold expressions into your C++ code will not only improve its quality but also enhance your overall programming efficiency. Happy coding!