
c++ unordered_map insert

3 min read 02-10-2024
c++ unordered_map insert

Mastering C++ unordered_map: Inserting Key-Value Pairs Efficiently

The unordered_map in C++ is a powerful data structure that allows you to store and retrieve key-value pairs with exceptional efficiency. It's often the preferred choice when you need fast lookups, especially in scenarios where the order of elements doesn't matter. One of the fundamental operations you'll perform on an unordered_map is inserting new elements. This article will guide you through the intricacies of inserting key-value pairs into your unordered_map, providing insights, examples, and best practices to ensure smooth and efficient development.

Understanding the Basics

Let's delve into a straightforward example of how to insert elements into an unordered_map. Assume you want to store the names of students and their corresponding grades. You can use the insert() function for this task:

#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>

int main() {
  std::unordered_map<std::string, int> studentGrades;

  // Inserting elements
  studentGrades.insert({"Alice", 90});
  studentGrades.insert(std::make_pair("Bob", 85));
  studentGrades.insert({"Charlie", 95});

  // Accessing elements
  std::cout << "Alice's grade: " << studentGrades["Alice"] << std::endl;

  return 0;

In this code:

  1. We define an unordered_map called studentGrades, where the keys are std::string (student names) and the values are int (their grades).

  2. We use the insert() method to add three key-value pairs: "Alice" with a grade of 90, "Bob" with a grade of 85, and "Charlie" with a grade of 95.

  3. Finally, we access the grade of "Alice" using the [] operator, demonstrating how to retrieve values based on their corresponding keys.

Diving Deeper: insert() with std::pair

The insert() method can also be used with std::pair objects, providing an alternative way to insert key-value pairs. Here's how:

#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>

int main() {
  std::unordered_map<std::string, int> studentGrades;

  // Inserting using std::pair
  studentGrades.insert(std::make_pair("Alice", 90));
  studentGrades.insert(std::make_pair("Bob", 85));
  studentGrades.insert(std::make_pair("Charlie", 95));

  // ... (Rest of the code remains the same)

This approach is more explicit, explicitly creating a std::pair object before inserting it into the map. Both methods achieve the same result, but the choice often boils down to personal preference and coding style.

Handling Duplicate Keys: emplace() for Efficiency

When you attempt to insert a key-value pair with a key that already exists, the insert() method will not overwrite the existing value. Instead, it will leave the existing value unchanged. This behavior is particularly useful when dealing with scenarios where duplicate keys should be allowed.

However, if you want to efficiently overwrite existing values or add new entries based on whether the key already exists, the emplace() method is your ally. Here's how it works:

#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>

int main() {
  std::unordered_map<std::string, int> studentGrades;

  // Using emplace() to overwrite or insert
  studentGrades.emplace("Alice", 90); // Inserts if not present, otherwise updates
  studentGrades.emplace("Bob", 85); // Inserts if not present, otherwise updates
  studentGrades.emplace("Charlie", 95); // Inserts if not present, otherwise updates
  studentGrades.emplace("Alice", 92); // Updates Alice's grade to 92

  // Accessing elements
  std::cout << "Alice's grade: " << studentGrades["Alice"] << std::endl; 

  return 0;

In this code, emplace() is used to insert or update values based on the key's existence. If the key is already present, the value associated with that key will be overwritten. emplace() provides an efficient way to manage duplicate keys in your unordered_map.

Leveraging the Power of unordered_map: Beyond Insertion

Understanding unordered_map insertion is just the tip of the iceberg. It is crucial to grasp the other essential operations:

  • Retrieving Elements: Use the [] operator or the find() method to retrieve values associated with specific keys.
  • Deleting Elements: Utilize the erase() method to remove elements from the unordered_map.
  • Iterating through Elements: Employ iterators to traverse through all the key-value pairs within the map.

By mastering these operations, you'll be able to harness the full potential of unordered_map for efficient data storage and manipulation in your C++ programs.


C++ unordered_map provides a highly efficient mechanism for storing and retrieving key-value pairs. The insert() and emplace() methods offer flexible options for inserting new elements or updating existing values. Understanding how these methods work and their subtle differences will enable you to write robust and efficient C++ code that leverages the power of unordered_map effectively.

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