
nginx serve static files

3 min read 03-10-2024
nginx serve static files

Serving Static Files with Nginx: A Beginner's Guide

Nginx is a powerful web server known for its performance and efficiency. It's often used in conjunction with other web server technologies like Apache or Node.js. One of Nginx's key strengths lies in its ability to serve static files, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, and videos, with lightning speed. This article will guide you through the process of configuring Nginx to serve static content efficiently.


Imagine you have a website hosted on your server and you want to serve images, CSS files, and JavaScript files directly from the server's storage. You want to make sure these files are delivered quickly and without any unnecessary processing by your web application. Here's how you can achieve this using Nginx:

Code Example:

server {
    listen 80;

    root /var/www/;

    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;

    location ~* \.(js|css|png|jpg|jpeg|gif|ico)$ {
        root /var/www/;
        expires 30d;


This Nginx configuration snippet demonstrates how to serve static files effectively:

  1. Server Block: The server directive defines a virtual host for your website. You'll need to replace with your actual domain name.

  2. Listen and Server Name: listen 80 defines the port Nginx will listen on (port 80 is the standard port for HTTP). server_name defines the domain name for this virtual host.

  3. Root Directory: root /var/www/ specifies the root directory where your website's static files are stored. You need to adjust this path to match the actual location of your files.

  4. Default Location: The location / block handles all requests. try_files checks if the requested file exists; if it does, it serves it. If the file doesn't exist, it checks for a file with the same name within the public directory. If neither is found, it serves the index.html file as a fallback.

  5. Specific Location for Static Files: The location ~* \.(js|css|png|jpg|jpeg|gif|ico)$ block defines a specific location for serving static files with common extensions (JavaScript, CSS, and images). It uses a regular expression to match the file extensions.

  6. Expiration Headers: expires 30d sets an expiration header for these static files, telling browsers to cache them for 30 days. This significantly reduces server load and improves performance.

Benefits of Serving Static Files with Nginx:

  • Improved Performance: Nginx is optimized for serving static content. It can handle large volumes of requests with minimal resource consumption, delivering files quickly.
  • Reduced Server Load: By caching static files on the client's browser, you reduce the number of requests to your web server, saving resources and improving overall site performance.
  • Increased Security: Nginx can be configured to serve static files securely through HTTPS, protecting your website from unauthorized access and tampering.
  • Easy Configuration: Nginx offers a simple and intuitive configuration format, making it easy to set up and manage.

Beyond the Basics:

While this configuration provides a basic foundation for serving static files, Nginx offers a plethora of advanced features:

  • Compression: Enable Gzip compression to reduce the size of static files transferred to the client, further improving performance.
  • Image Optimization: Nginx can be used to optimize images on the fly, resizing and converting them to appropriate formats for better delivery.
  • Content Negotiation: Nginx can negotiate the appropriate content type (e.g., language, format) based on the client's request, ensuring a seamless experience.
  • Reverse Proxy: Nginx can act as a reverse proxy, forwarding requests to your backend servers while hiding their internal details from clients.


Nginx is an excellent choice for serving static files efficiently and securely. By configuring Nginx appropriately, you can significantly enhance your website's performance and user experience. Remember to explore the vast capabilities of Nginx to optimize your static content delivery and create a website that is lightning fast and reliable.


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