
prolog append

2 min read 02-10-2024
prolog append

Understanding Prolog's append Predicate: Concatenating Lists with Ease

Prolog, a powerful logic programming language, is renowned for its elegant handling of lists. One of the fundamental predicates in Prolog is append, which allows you to concatenate two lists efficiently.

Let's delve into how append works and its practical applications.

Understanding the Problem

Imagine you have two lists in Prolog, [a, b, c] and [d, e]. How can you combine these lists to create a single list containing all elements, like [a, b, c, d, e]? This is where append comes into play.

The append Predicate

The append predicate is a built-in function in Prolog that takes three arguments:

  1. The first list: This is the list you want to append to.
  2. The second list: This is the list you want to append.
  3. The resulting list: This is the new list containing all elements from the first and second lists.

The general syntax is:

append(List1, List2, ResultList).

Let's see it in action:

?- append([a, b, c], [d, e], Result). 
Result = [a, b, c, d, e].

In this example, we're asking Prolog to append the list [a, b, c] to the list [d, e]. Prolog successfully determines that the resulting list, Result, is [a, b, c, d, e].

Going Deeper

The magic behind append lies in its recursive nature. Think of it as a process that iteratively takes elements from the first list and adds them to the beginning of the second list. This recursive behavior enables Prolog to elegantly handle lists of any length.

Practical Applications

append has many uses in Prolog programming, including:

  • Building new lists: You can use append to create new lists by combining existing ones.
  • Splitting lists: You can use append to split a list into two parts by using a variable for one of the input lists.
  • Manipulating data: You can use append in combination with other Prolog predicates to manipulate data structures effectively.

Example: Finding the Tail of a List

Suppose you want to find the tail of a list (everything except the first element). You can use append for this:

tail(List, Tail) :-
    append([_], Tail, List).

This predicate uses append to check if the original list List can be split into a list containing only the first element (_) and the remaining elements Tail. If this is true, it means Tail represents the tail of the list.


The append predicate is an essential tool in any Prolog programmer's arsenal. Its simplicity and efficiency make it invaluable for list manipulation and a wide range of problem-solving tasks. As you explore more complex Prolog programs, append will undoubtedly become a familiar and powerful ally.