
read from csv java

2 min read 02-10-2024
read from csv java

Reading data from a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file is a common task in Java programming. CSV files are widely used for data exchange because they are simple to read and write. In this article, we will explore how to efficiently read data from a CSV file using Java. We will start with a basic code example and then analyze it further for better understanding.

Original Code for Reading a CSV File

Here's a simple code snippet to demonstrate how to read from a CSV file in Java:


public class ReadCSV {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String csvFile = "data.csv";
        String line;
        String csvSplitBy = ",";

        try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(csvFile))) {
            while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
                String[] data = line.split(csvSplitBy);
                System.out.println("Data: " + String.join(", ", data));
        } catch (IOException e) {

Explanation of the Code

  1. Import Statements: We start by importing the necessary classes. BufferedReader and FileReader are essential for reading the CSV file, while IOException helps to handle any input/output exceptions.

  2. File Path: The variable csvFile holds the path to our CSV file. Ensure that the file data.csv exists in the same directory as your Java program, or specify an absolute path.

  3. Reading the File: The BufferedReader is used here to read the file line by line. This method is efficient and performs well even with larger files.

  4. Splitting the Line: Each line is split based on the delimiter, which is a comma in this case (csvSplitBy). The split() method returns an array of data for each row.

  5. Output: Finally, the program prints each row's data. You can replace the System.out.println() statement with your logic to process the data further.

Practical Example

Suppose you have a CSV file data.csv with the following content:

Name, Age, Country
John Doe, 29, USA
Jane Smith, 25, UK
Sam Brown, 31, Canada

When you run the above Java program, the output will be:

Data: Name, Age, Country
Data: John Doe, 29, USA
Data: Jane Smith, 25, UK
Data: Sam Brown, 31, Canada

Analysis and Best Practices

When working with CSV files in Java, consider the following best practices:

  • Handle Exceptions: Always use try-catch blocks to handle exceptions. This is crucial for debugging and maintaining code quality.

  • Use Libraries: For more complex CSV reading tasks, consider using libraries like Apache Commons CSV or OpenCSV. These libraries provide more functionalities, such as handling different delimiters, reading headers, and managing special characters.

  • Performance Considerations: If you are dealing with very large CSV files, consider using libraries optimized for performance to prevent memory issues.


Reading from a CSV file in Java is straightforward with the use of built-in classes like BufferedReader and FileReader. By following best practices and considering advanced libraries for more complex tasks, you can efficiently handle CSV data in your Java applications.

For additional resources, check out the following:

By integrating these practices and resources, you can enhance your Java programming skills and better manage data from CSV files.

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