
tmux scrolling

2 min read 03-10-2024
tmux scrolling

Understanding the Problem Scenario

Tmux is a terminal multiplexer that enables users to manage multiple terminal sessions from a single window. While Tmux is a powerful tool, many users struggle with scrolling through terminal output in Tmux panes. This article addresses the scrolling issue within Tmux sessions and provides a clear understanding of how to manage scrolling effectively.

Original Code Snippet for Tmux Scrolling

# In Tmux, you can enter copy mode using the following command:
Ctrl + b then [

How to Scroll in Tmux: A Step-by-Step Guide

Scrolling in Tmux can be a bit different than scrolling in a standard terminal. Below are the steps you need to take to easily scroll through your terminal output within Tmux.

Step 1: Enter Copy Mode

To start scrolling, you first need to enter Tmux's copy mode. Press the following key combination:

Ctrl + b, then [

This command tells Tmux to enter copy mode, allowing you to scroll through the output.

Step 2: Scroll Up and Down

Once you’re in copy mode, use the following keys to scroll:

  • Arrow Keys: Use the up and down arrow keys to scroll line by line.
  • Page Up/Page Down: Use the Page Up and Page Down keys to scroll a full page at a time.
  • vi-like Navigation: If you are comfortable with vim, you can use k to scroll up and j to scroll down. Use G to go to the bottom of the scrollback and gg to go to the top.

Step 3: Exit Copy Mode

After reviewing the information you need, exit copy mode by pressing q. This action takes you back to the command prompt in Tmux.

Additional Tips for Effective Scrolling

  1. Increase Scrollback Buffer: By default, Tmux provides a limited scrollback buffer. You can increase this buffer by adding the following lines to your Tmux configuration file (~/.tmux.conf):

    set -g history-limit 10000

    This command increases your scrollback history limit, allowing you to retain more output for scrolling.

  2. Using Mouse for Scrolling: Tmux also allows you to scroll with your mouse if mouse mode is enabled. Add the following line to your ~/.tmux.conf file to enable mouse support:

    set -g mouse on

    Once you have mouse mode enabled, you can scroll using your mouse wheel while hovering over the Tmux pane.

  3. Searching in Scrollback: You can search through your scrollback buffer by entering copy mode (as previously mentioned) and then pressing / to initiate a search. Type your search term and navigate through the results using n (next) and N (previous).

Practical Examples

Imagine you're running a long log output in your terminal, and you want to analyze specific sections without losing context. By using Tmux scrolling techniques outlined above, you can efficiently navigate through vast amounts of data without the need to rerun commands or lose track of your current pane.


Mastering Tmux scrolling techniques can significantly enhance your productivity when working in terminal sessions. By using the methods described above, you can easily navigate through output, search for specific data, and take advantage of Tmux's powerful features.

Additional Resources

Implementing these practices will elevate your terminal experience, making Tmux an even more powerful tool in your development toolkit. Happy Tmuxing!

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